Friday, November 03, 2006

The following week

Now I can 100% see the difference, first of all my "32 sweet teeth" (I still have my wisdom teeth and I do LOVE sweets!) are innactive! This amazes me but I have no desire at all to eat any sweets for the first time in my whole life!

The coffee that I used to have every morning smells so bad and makes me so sick I'll have to put a stop on it, at least for the next 8 months!

I am even more sleepy, to the point that I might fall asleep at 7:30 pm!!! And I used to go to bed at 11 pm!!!

The 'bottles' as I call my boobs (the future bottles of the baby) have been sore for about a month now.

Also 'enjoying' nausea and constant hunger, oh the joys of being pregnant!


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