20 wks ultrasound
We just came back from the ultrasound, the baby weight 350 gr which is the weight of a 22 week baby, huge!!!!
We were also able to see baby's penis and I tell you that was also HUGE!!! LOL
I was right from the first day, we are having a boy!
Baby's femur was 3,2 cm long and the feet were really cute!
Thats so wonderful! I miss those days so much, I went through the process with all 3 of my kids of course and it was such a wonderful experience that you'll remember you'll life. Congrats on the baby boy, keep us all updated! Can't wait to see how things progress!
Personal help trying to conceive from a mother who's been there :)
Congratulations, that's a great news! Wish you a healthy baby boy.
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