Thursday, November 30, 2006

First Ultrasound

After a lot of expectation and many count downs we finally got to see the little one for the first time today.
We got to see the little heart beating, although the lady said that they don't measure the heart beat over there =(
The baby has 4.1 cm from crown to rump - crazy measuring idea that they have.
Daddy was all smile - ear to ear.
It is quite emotional!!
Looking forward to the next ultrasound where we will be albe to see the sex of our little one.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Toilet Paper Tuesdays

The title may sound a bit strange, so let me explain...

Many pregnant ladies do it just for fun, they chose a brand of toilet paper and every week they measure their tummies to figure out the growth.

I started this super precise measurement on week 8 1/2, watch this:

Week 8: 8 3/4 squares
For curiosity I also measured the bottles: 10 1/4 - growing like crazy.

Week 9: 9 squares

Week 10: Still 9 squares.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Pregnancy Fun Fact

I swear to you that when I 'ordered' the baby I was not advised of this 'side effect' - the pregnant brain!

For those who have never been pregnant or never heard of it (just like me) I'll explain: you just forget everything and your brain activities really, really slow down. If there is scientific proof I don't know, but I can tell you for a fact: it DOES happen!

First I noticed how I was forgeting things, then I tried my daily Sudoku and OMG my sudoku-abbilities are gone, I couldn't believe it. I'll surf the net and try to find a sudoku skill level: pregnant, for now.

According to 'daddy' it makes no sense as there are 2 brains with me right now, but if the whole baby is the size of small plum how big could the little brain be?

Nothing to worry about 'cause once the baby is born my brain will be upgrated to a baby brain. Thank God!

Friday, November 24, 2006

10 weeks and growing

Wow, I am amazed at how fast this is going, a whole month has gone by since we found out about the baby! The last email told me that the baby is the size of a small plum, about 4 cm.

I started to 'feel' the difference in my pants around week 8 and now I can see a little bulge that doesn't go away (I guess that there was a lot of gas on the past two weeks, 'helping' my tummy look).

Nausea-wise I am doing a lot better.

Weight: I had weighed myself last week and the scale 'accused' 4 extra pounds. This week it shows 2 less, so total weight gain is 2 lbs. Where did the other 2 go? That is a mystery!

Read a funny post at another babyfit blog, about her little one, who is 7 weeks old, having a bad day and she couldn't figure out why until the end of the day when she was changing the little girl and found out that her socks were too tight!

Oh my, I can see myself getting in that kind of trouble =)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

If this is your first pregnancy you may not be aware (as I wasn't) of stuff you should avoid when pregnant, so read this:

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Eating well balanced meals is important at all times, but it is even more essential when you are pregnant. There are essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals that your developing baby needs. Most foods are safe; however there are some foods that you should avoid during pregnancy.

What are the foods I should avoid during pregnancy?
Raw Meat: Uncooked seafood, rare or uncooked beef or poultry should be avoided because of the risk of contamination with coliform bacteria, toxoplasmosis, and salmonella.

Deli Meat: Deli meats have known to be contaminated with Listeria, which can cause miscarriage. Listeria has the ability to cross the placenta and may infect the baby leading to infection, or blood poisoning which may be life-threatening. If you are pregnant and you are considering eating deli meats, make certain that you reheat the meat until it is steaming.

Liver: There is some concern about the amounts of vitamin A in liver. Large amounts of vitamin A have the potential to pose a risk to an unborn baby. The safest approach is to avoid eating liver.

Fish with Mercury: Fish that contain high levels of mercury should be avoided. These types of fish include: shark, swordfish, kink mackerel, fresh tuna, sea bass, and tilefish. Canned tuna is safe, but you should not eat more than 12 oz. in a week. Mercury consumed during pregnancy has been linked to developmental delays and brain damage.

Fish exposed to Industrial Pollutants: Avoid fish from contaminated lakes and rivers that may be exposed to high levels of polychlorinated biphyenyls. This is primarily for those who fish in local lakes and streams. These fish include: blue fish, striped bass, salmon, pike, trout, and walleye. Contact the local health department or Environmental Protection Agency to determine which fish are safe to eat in your area. Remember, this is regarding fish caught in local waters and not fish from your local grocery store.

Raw Shellfish: The majority of seafood borne illness is caused by undercooked shellfish, which include oysters, clams, and mussels. Cooking helps prevent some types of infection, but it does not prevent the algae-related infections that are associated with red tides. Raw shellfish pose concern for everybody and they should be avoided altogether during pregnancy.

Raw Eggs: Raw eggs or any foods that contain raw eggs should be avoided because of the potential exposure to salmonella. Some Caesar dressings, mayonnaise, homemade ice cream or custards, and Hollandaise sauces may be made with raw eggs. Unpasteurized eggnog should also be avoided.

Soft Cheeses: Imported soft cheeses may contain bacteria called Listeria which can cause miscarriage. Listeria has the ability to cross the placenta and may infect the baby leading to infection, or blood poisoning which can be life-threatening. The soft cheeses to avoid include: brie, camembert, Roquefort, feta, gorgonzola and Mexican style cheeses that include queso blanco and queso fresco. Soft non-imported cheeses made with pasteurized milk are safe to eat.

Unpasteurized Milk: Unpasteurized milk may contain bacteria called Listeria which can cause miscarriage. Listeria has the ability to cross the placenta and may infect the baby leading to infection, or blood poisoning which can be life-threatening. Make sure that any milk that you drink is pasteurized.

Pate: Pate should be avoided because it may contain the bacteria Listeria.

Caffeine: Although most studies show that caffeine intake in moderation is okay, there are others that show that caffeine intake may be related to miscarriages. Avoid caffeine during the first trimester to reduce the likelihood of a miscarriage. As a general rule in later stages of your pregnancy, caffeine should be limited to fewer than 300 mg per day. Caffeine is a diuretic, which means it helps eliminate fluids from the body. This can result in water and calcium loss. It is important that you are drinking plenty of water, juice, and milk rather than caffeinated beverages. Some research shows that large amounts of caffeine are associated with miscarriage, premature birth, low birth weight, and withdrawal symptoms in infants. The safest thing is not to consume caffeine.

Alcohol: There is NO amount of alcohol that is known to be safe during pregnancy, and therefore alcohol should be avoided during pregnancy. Prenatal exposure to alcohol can interfere with the healthy development of the baby. Depending on the amount, timing, and pattern of use, alcohol consumption during pregnancy can lead to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome or other developmental disorders. If you consumed alcohol before you knew you were pregnant, stop drinking now. Alcohol should continue to be avoided during breast feeding. Exposure to alcohol as an infant poses harmful risks, and alcohol does reach the baby during breastfeeding.

Unwashed Vegetables: Yes, vegetables are safe to eat, so you still need to eat them. However, it is essential to make sure they are washed to avoid potential exposure to toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis may contaminate the soil which the vegetables were grown in.

Herbal Remedies: Don't take anything without checking with your health care provider. Goldenseal, mugwort, and penny royal are all associated with uterine contractions and should be avoided.

From the American Pregnancy Association

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Stuff you won't find at the Grocery Store or even Wal-mart

Hmmm, I will have to contact some of the major product makers in this country, let me explain you why...

I can't brush my teeth with toothpaste, it is just disgusting and makes me sick, so far I have tried 6 different brands and flavours and nothing works. So I went to Wal-mart (I thought that if anyone would have this kind of stuff it had to be them) to buy yet another one and asked for help to see if they make any toothpaste for pregnant people. For my surprise they don't!

Wake up people, start making some flavourless toothpaste for all the pregos around the world, it will sell like crazy.

As the idea was mine, please send a free tube, for testing! =)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Another source of energy

This is a very 'serious' post, as it touchs a serious topic, the lack of resources and the fact that we are running out of sources of energy.

My brilliant pregnant brain just had this amazing idea, why not use all of the pregnant's gas and turn it into energy?

Seriously, there wounldn't be any scarcity at all as there are always pregnant women around the globe and somehow we never run out of gas.

And I never thought I'd ever out-barf or out-fart a man!


I am going to have to admit that I am pretty anxious to see the little one for the first time. My count down for the first ultrasound: 16 days left.

It will also be a great opportunity to prove to 'daddy' that we do have a little one on the way as all he can see now is mommy saying 'I'm hungry' or 'I am sick', or both at the same time.

Got a new email update about the baby and you're now the size of a cherry! It is so cool! Looking forward to having you in my arms!

Favorite food last week was seafood (week before soup and week before that sushi), let's see what's going to happen this week.

Favorite snack is still yogurt and I've been having one kilo by myself (with baby's help) in just 3 days!

Friday, November 10, 2006


I have pretty much 'controlled' my constipation with tons of fiber on a daily basis.

My nausea is also a LOT better, as long as I eat every 3 hours.

The only thing that I haven't been able to figure out yet is the heartburn. But I will keep on trying.

Baby is 8 weeks today, woo hoo, happy pre-birthday little one!

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Our first ultrasound has been set up, we're both pretty excited, it'll be on the 30th of this month (quite a wait, but that was the only day that I could get an appointment late enough so that daddy could come with me).

By then the baby should be over 10 weeks, hopefully we will be able to see him/her.

My Doctor mentioned that she does not deliver babies anymore, I am not sure if that means that I have to find myself another doctor. First time around, so much to learn!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Baby's eyes

Found a website that helps you calculate the probable colour of your baby's eyes, it is

Afer using their calculator, my results:
5.1% blue, 8.5% green and 86.3% brown.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Week 7

Found this online, it tells what is happening with the baby:

Baby is almost half an inch long now!

The brain is starting to develop, the teeth and the inside of his mouth are forming, and his ears continue to develop. The eyes already are starting to develop colour.
The veins are clearly visible due to the paper thin skin.

You can't feel the movements yet, but your baby is quite hyperactive.
You may still feel quite nauseous (and not only in the morning) - tell me about it!. The nausea should fade as your pregnancy continues, though you may continue to make frequent trips to the bathroom.

Monday, November 06, 2006


Last week(*) my nausea was pretty bad, now it is getting a LOT better and I only really feel sick if I go over 3 hours without eating.

This is great!

(*) Last week I even tried the fresh ginger tea, which is supposed to be very helpful.

Constipation and pregnancy

Apparently constipation is a very common 'side effect' (just kidding!!!) of pregnancy, due to the hormones in the body that make the muscles relaxed.

Most of the common over the counter constipation 'fixes' are NOT good for the baby, so the obvious: water, fiber and exercise should be in place.

I've been doing all of the above and still having trouble, so far my strongest aids have been ground flax seed on my All Bran cereal, prunes, black beans and raw beets. I'll report back if I get any changes on this as I'll try all of them in ONE day!

Friday, November 03, 2006

How I told him

Well, he pretty much knew it, but I wanted to make it different, so I bought a little baby outfit and a card.

I put the outfit inside my purse and we met for sushi after his work. Later I asked him to grab something inside my purse and he took out the outfit, looked at me and asked: "who is this for?", he knew it!

So I gave him the card.

It wasn't a huge surprise as he was pretty sure of it already.

I researched and found out that the baby should be smaller than a little grain of rice.

To tell or not to tell, that is the question!

We've decided to hold the news for a little while, as I have been pregnant before and had a miscarriage a few days later.

It shouldn't be too hard to hide it from my family, as they live in a different country, but everyone else...

We went ice-skatting on Sunday, not a great idea I'll have to admit, and we were pretty good up to the time when we decided to leave, that's when 'daddy' showed up in front of me and a short 'flight' later (felt like I was flying) I was on the ice!
NOTE to self: do NOT go ice-skating till next year!

On Skype with my sister, who is pregnant, at least 20 weeks ahead of me, she said that I 'sounded' pregnant, oh my! I shouldn't have asked so many questions, I guess. Have to be more careful.

And yes, I am dying to tell everyone!

The following week

Now I can 100% see the difference, first of all my "32 sweet teeth" (I still have my wisdom teeth and I do LOVE sweets!) are innactive! This amazes me but I have no desire at all to eat any sweets for the first time in my whole life!

The coffee that I used to have every morning smells so bad and makes me so sick I'll have to put a stop on it, at least for the next 8 months!

I am even more sleepy, to the point that I might fall asleep at 7:30 pm!!! And I used to go to bed at 11 pm!!!

The 'bottles' as I call my boobs (the future bottles of the baby) have been sore for about a month now.

Also 'enjoying' nausea and constant hunger, oh the joys of being pregnant!

The appointment

So I made an appointment to see my Doctor and get tested for 'babycitis' (just joking!), even though I still haven't had a period yet (ovulation??)

The result???

I guess we are more powerfull than the Doctor had imagined. Ha, ha, ha.
Tomorrow I'll do my first prenatal blood exam.

6 weeks later

Tonight 'daddy' asked me when I am going to get my period, funny but I had completely forgotten about it.

When I asked him why he replied: "you've been a 'bit' (he's been trained, he knew he couldn't say a "LOT" here, he, he, he) more whinny than usual, a lot more sleepy than usual".

Wow, I never thought that he'd be the first one to notice, but he is right, I am so sleepy and tired I've been falling asleep at 9 pm, which is really unusual.


The Doctor advised us that I wouldn't be able ovulate until I had a period, that it might take a month or a bit more.

So, baby dreams will have to wait a bit, for now we'll keep on 'practising'!

Right Time

Well, I've been waiting for the 'right time' like many others and simply decided to make it, the right time.

The right time is now.

On September 15th I had my IUD removed.